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blog / 2024 / Febuary / New Website, New Me
New Website, New Me - The Update The World Never Expected

My old website hosted on Github pages was a strange creation from my college days in 2018 or so. I was inspired by, but never truly completed this one piece of mine. There were buttons flying throughout the screen, flashing backgrounds, and so on. This is a snapshot of the home page. I've stripped out the intricate scripts leaving behind the layout and styling. The hashed router didn't want to co-operate when I downloaded the snapshot, but the full website was kind of a shell to begin with.

The main thing of note about my old website was that it hosted my first ever game, YYYYYY. I took on the project after starting my first job out of college and tacked it onto my website without updating much. I was curious if I could persue something fun and challenging like that while balancing a full time job. It's tricky, but possible. I'd work 8 hours a day and then come home and work on this game for an hour or 2 a night. It goes to show how small, incremental progress can stack up into something nice. While my little creation isn't much to write home about, I still look back on those times fondly.

The main reason for scraping the old site and working on the new was to learn this flashy new Next.js thing. It turns out the old create-react-app framework is a thing of the past. I've also been window shopping around at other job opportunities too and wanted to clean up the site. After all, having my old disaster of a site linked on my resume probably isn't a good look! We'll let this page be the final resting place for the old site of mine, as well as on the git history I suppose!